Cosmetic products that incorporate 3HFWC have exhibit profound beneficial effects on skin properties. This unique ingredient is able to protect, hydrate, regenerate skin and manifest many other positive effects on the skin simultaneously. Proven antimicrobial effect is an additional advantage of this ingredient that contribute to skin care.
Given its unique mechanism of action, 3HFWC is a candidate substance for application in different fields that require correction or maintenance of biophysical state. In line with that, intensive studies of 3HFWC effects are ongoing.

Study: Investigation of the potential antibacterial effect of the product Hyperlight fluid fusion subcellular essential complex (3HFWC) and 3HFWC creme against Cutibacterium acnes in in vitro conditions
Conducted at: Department for Microbiology and Immunology, The Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade
Conclusions: 3HFWC solution and 3HFWC cream lead to decelerated growth and accelerated death of C. acnes.
Study: Investigation of antimicrobial activity in vitro
Conducted at: Department for Microbiology and Immunology, The Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade
Conclusion: Results obtained in this study indicate that 4HFWC+0.03%HP demonstrated antimicrobial effect against all tested strains of standard microorganisms (seven standard bacterial strains (three Gram-positive and four Gram-negative bacteria) and one standard yeast strain).

Study: Local effect of products on superficial infected wound model in Wistar rats – In vivo testing
Conducted at: Department for Microbiology and Immunology, The Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade
Conclusion: Treatment with Sterile Oxy spray + 18% 3HFWC or with 41% 3HFWC cream, applied immediately after previous treatment with Sterile Oxy spray + 18% 3HFWC, stimulates injured skin tissue reepithelization. Additionally, 41% 3HFWC cream showed beneficial effect on wound pathophysiology, in the terms of significantly reduced inflammation, and in case of wound infected with S. aureus, it also contributes to faster would healing. Sterile Oxy spray + 18% 3HFWC did not demonstrate significant effect on inflammation and would healing. Tested products did not show antimicrobial activity against S. aureus present in injured skin tissue.

Study: Investigation of brain activation in mouse under influence of HPL, 3HFWC substance and HPL & 3HFWC and by resting state functional MRI (rs fMRI)
Conducted at: Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities
Conclusion: Results of this functional imaging study suggest that 3HFWC may lead to better cognitive functions and spatial orientation (retrosplenial area), alleviation of the pain and emotional response to pain (deactivation of amygdala).
In order to establish all effects of our products, we conduct different studies in collaboration with referent institutions:
- The Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade University of Belgrade
- Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković” National Institute of Republic of Serbia
- Nanolab, BME, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade
- School of Medicine, University of Belgrade
- Faculty of Dentistry. Pancevo